Sunday, October 31, 2010

just want to say

i'm not so happy today,,,
i need u my dear,,,
sayu bile tgok bas blalu pegi mnggal perkarangan stesen bas pg td,,,,
pegi berdua blik sorg2,,,
sunyi bile kmu xde kt blik ni,,
sori xle jnji pe yg kite jnji pg td,,,,
ia kua sndri when i write this,,,
jgn marah taw,,,

i akn igt pe yg kite jnji slama ni,,,'
n hope we will change,,,

tq 4 coming here,,,
go0d lark 4 our final,,,
we will do our best,,,

Thursday, October 28, 2010

macam2 rase

i think its too late to wish ohayougozaimasu,,,
i wake up in the morning,,
put on my face,,,
take a bath,,,
wearing new cloth,,,
and sit down in front of my cute lappy,,,
writing my dairy,,,
it is so cloudy all da day,,,
non-stop raining,,,
i though how i would take my special fren at kB,,,
better i take 'dia' by car,,,
but i don't have enough money to rent the car,,,
it's okay,,
for 'dia' i will do everything,,,(ceewaahhh)

da final exam is around da corner,,,
a little bit preparation i've done,,,
so sad,,
plez God give me a guidance to do the exam,,,
my carry mark for this sem is not bad,,,
thankful to Allah,,,
but i must study smart not soo hard,,(bak kate abg nik td)

yesterday my adopted father call,,,
owhh!!i feel so guilty bcoz not contact him since Hari Raya,,,
i'm so sorry Ayah,,,
i'm not have enough time to contact u,,,
here i'm so bz 4 a lot of esemen,,,
in fact, i rarely topup my nset,,,
plez pray 4 me dat i can do in my exam,,,

ok let's start stdy,,,
but i must take a brunch(breakfast + lunch) 1st,,,
i'm so hungry,,,

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


2, 3 arini so bz for da esemen,,,
all must be done in dis week,,
dats y i do not have time to update my blog,,,
i like to say dat dis is my personal dairy,,,
coz here I'm writing all my daily routine,,,

what i've done in dis week is....
1st event,,,
 baru nk stat wat prototaip
(tekun nyeee)

 kat tepi aq ni wan
sambil wat keje smbil dga die nyanyi
than jela kat umk idol ni
suke nyanyi layan jela 
abis brsepah ats meja

baik2 gunting tuuu kang luke tgn t de owg marah


cekku cakkk!!

ni la hsil keje kitowg
portable hanger

cantik x??
ampaian ni leh gune kat ostel lau nk jimat ruang
ni la yg kitowg pikir
selama bbrapa mggu yg lalu
da jd
tp tggu penilaian drp pakar2
utk di komersialkn product ni

2nd event,,,

 dis is a mock meetg
my pic is hidden bcoz 
my fren taking da pic just 4 candid
sempat ag amik gamba
dis mock meeting is already done yesterday night,,,
lega ati aq,,,
sume da slesai,,
time kasih pada ssiapa yg terlibat dlm mnjayakn esemen ni,,,
mase aq present ase agak bedebar gak la,,
mklum la present in English,,,
nt in future if i become a successful person i have to do dis,,,
so,, i have to change n improve my speech in front of audience,,,
but now,,,learning is much2 more important,,,

ok,,time to study,,,
exam is aroud da corner,,

p/s: lagu tu tuju kat sy ke???

Friday, October 22, 2010

advance da cket2

aq da ubah background blog aq ni,,,
aq pilih itam sb aq suke n tulisan nmpk jelas nk bce,,,
lau de yg xsuke lantak rr,,

stakat ni je aq mampu ubh,,,
len x aq ubh ag lau de mse,,,

name blog pn da brubah,,
bg positive mind cket an,,,

Thursday, October 21, 2010

hepi bile freeeee

tajok ats tu actually bkn aq kua dri penjara,,
aq ase free jew arini sb xperlu pk byk2 sal dunia kat u aq tu,,
aq tension bile de jew yg perlu aq pk byk,,,
i am sure u all like that also,right?
biasa la kat u mane de student xtension kn,,,

yg pnting aq hepi skang brsama owg yg salu ilgkn ketensionan aq,,,
tp kdang kitowg gado,,,
tension gak,,
pape pn ttp baik2 sapa skang,,
tu yg aq suke tu,,,

ni la muke aq yg xbrape cantik,,,
bg la aq chance nk koya cket kt blogku ni,,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

aq poning,,

arini tah knape ng aq ni,,,
kjap ok kjap x ok,,,
dpt jdual exm padat gile,,
xde mse tok ulgkaji byk2,,,
da la xde stdy week,,,
stdy day je,,,
2 pn 3ari,,,
time jela management u ni,,,

lg stu pk esemen bi kene edit blik,,,
tp nsb bek cket je,,,
umai kate die nk baiki sume,,,
ish!rajin tol la kwn aq sorg tuuu,,,
tp sooo much umai,,,
syg ko gile2 rrr,,,

ke2 ni esemen pkk blom gerak ag,,,
mgu dpn kene anta,,,
sblom kol9 pg,,,
Dr. yohan ni garang gak ek,,,
kene la ikt arahan an,,,
nt kang kne reject kitowg pnye projek,,,
abis la markah xde,,,
xmo aq ulg blik,,,
sbjek simple kot,,,
yela tuuu simple la sgt an,,,

untuk mneruskn plan aq hjg mggu ni,,,
i want 2 finish all my work,,,
but my part only la,,,
so, i can enjoy my olide wth some1,,,
kene tnye si die(bff)  dlu,,,
nt kang sia2 je aq p sane tp si die bz,,,
xlarat aq g mai g mai mcm pi mai pi mai tangtu,,,

ni nk ckp cket la,,,
aq kcian tgok muke mber2 aq yg ade mslah,,,
aq pn de mslah gak,,,
tp ttp hepi go lucky,,,
muke pn ttp cool jew,,,
hahah,,koya ngoti la aq nih,,,
wahai kwn2 ku,,,
jgn stress sgt taw,,,
t aq tgok kowg aq pn jd stress gak,,,
n jgn sapa xmkn sb byk pk,,,
ish! xleh tgok aq,,,
aq lau stress pn mkn gak,,,
memg nafsu mkn aq kuat,,,hihi,,

ok la nk out lu,,,
wat keje ni bia cp,,,

owarimasu,,,,n sayonara,,, :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


arini laja finance
tah aq phm ke x pe yg lecturer ngaja
kjp phm kjp x
kpale ni asik agguk jgak walopn xphm
nk jga ati lecturer la katakn
jaat gle sih
bkn ape sb aq duk dpn memg kene agguk jela
lau x nt lecturer xde smgat nk ngaja
gtu plak,,,adooiiiii

papepn memg aq laja finance arini ni of coz xphm lgsung

mksud dividen n share pn da jd len
da poning bile pk

nsb la nt bab tu msuk teory je dlm final exam nt
lau msuk sume
aiii,,,xtaw la aq larat x nk bce nt,,,

ok la stop talking about that
2nd day aq di alam blogger ni(koya cket,,hahhaa)
sb ape name blog aq 'xtaw nk pikir'
memg smlm wat tnpa drncg la
ttbe je tekan tu tekan ni,,,
tup2 jd la,,
da lame aq wat,,
cume step ke2 xlpas,,

sblom korg tgok lbih2 blog aq ni
meh la aq mperkenalkan dri,,,
nama aq,,,
ank ke 8 drp 8 adik bradik,,,
bongsu n ank mnje gak rr,,
tp da besa2 ni kurg da nk mnje2 ni,,
nt owg len pk len lak,,
malu den oii,,
yg slebihnye,,,,
to be continued,,,

Monday, October 18, 2010

1st TIME!!!!

lawak2 bile mula2 berjinak ngn blog
sape aja aq ni??
tq ek org yg aja aq ni 

smbg esok lak ek,,
mau tdo daa,,,